Deprescribing Medications

One of the greatest things about weight loss in the setting of obesity is that when you lose weight you start to improve your health. With as little as 5% total body weight loss, we start to see improvements in blood pressure and blood sugar levels in the body.

5-10% weight loss can start to improve the triglyceride levels in the blood, and a weight loss of 15% can even reverse early Type 2 Diabetes and improve heart failure!

When you start to lose weight, your doctor can start to reduce or even stop some of the medications you have previously needed to address obesity related diseases.

For example, with significant weight loss, Type 2 Diabetics who have previously needed insulin can even stop their insulin a lot of the time because they just don’t need it anymore!

Not only does weight loss naturally improve your health, but being able to reduce or stop medication you’ve relied on to manage disease is really wonderful.

Your MedSurg Weight Loss doctor will help you to safely lose weight and improve your health, and deprescribing medications you no longer need is part of our care for you.